If you are selling your house you are  probably familiar with the term
"home staging" or "house staging"
.  Basically it means getting your house ready to sell. Creating immediate buyer interest and first impressions are very important when looking to sell quickly.  A beautifully staged home will make your house more attractive to prospect buyers and result in a quicker sale.

You want to present your home in a warm and inviting manner so that potential buyers can see themselves living in it and making it their home. 
Home staging and property staging
  can help you do these things.

Different levels of home staging are available.  You can get professionals to come in and do the entire house with hired furniture, appliances, art, plants, vases, etc. However when staging for  sale you might just want some advice and have a person look at your property with fresh eyes.

A  good home stager
can achieve remarkable results using your existing furniture.  By doing some furniture staging, so to speak, a remarkable improvement can be achieved by rearranging existing furniture and/or putting some furniture into storage. Once you have a nice clean, uncluttered  house a home stager can bring in some hired art, plants, bedspreads or decorative objects to add the finishing touches.

Sometimes all you might want is some art to brighten up a dull corner.  This can all be very easily achieved.

Of course interior decorating or homestaging isn't something you only consider when your house is up for sale -  you could just hire some art to jazz up your home for a special event.  . 

Whatever you choose you want to showcase your homes best features and minimizes its not so good features and we are hear to help.

Hiring beautiful art will definitely give your home that WOW factor that you want..

If you are looking to hire some art or to have your home staged for an event or sale  - I will be more than happy to come discuss your needs   - just give me a ring at 09 445 1550 or send me an email.

Listed below are a few pointers if you want to do it yourself and don't know where to start.
Clear the clutter - this is very important as you want your rooms to look large and spacious.
If you are painting the interior in preparation for sale - stick to neutral colours and then use artwork on the walls to add interest
Do a major clean - top to bottom.  If you can't do it yourself get a service to come in and do it for you.  This includes washing windows and any marks on the walls.
First impresions are very important.  Pay particular attention to to the entry room as this is the first room you see. Add a beautiful painting in the entrance for some added WOW factor.
Accent the room with art, candles, vases and rugs to add warmth and colour. Add throws and cushions on chairs and sofas.
Light up dark corners with a bright painting or a mirror.
Be creative and put some art in the bathroom.
Hire your art from The Jones Gallery - ring Carole at  09 445 1550.
You are most welcome to ring or drop by to discuss any requirements you may have.
We will help you select the most suitable artwork for your home and advise where to place it..

Home Staging Tips

Home Staging - Artwork Hire

Hire artwork for your "House Makeover"

Send an Email
Email any queries regarding Homestaging

Getting your house ready to Sell